
Schuppert BBQ

Last weekend, Luke went to his first BBQ at the Schupperts. Unfortunately, it was unseasonably cold so Luke was not able to show off his sexy bathing suit trunks. Instead,we had a pajama party!!!


Moving on up...

We decided to try out Luke's new tub. It's supposed to be for 6 months and older, but he's a big boy. He's already wearing 6 month clothes too. As you can see, the bath really relaxes him!

Chillin' like a villian...

Playtime with Daddy before bed

Visit from the Kellys

The Kellys visited us this weekend from Indianapolis. Luke and Alex are 7 weeks apart and seem to get along already even though their sleeping and eating schedules were completely opposite! On Saturday, Neil and Matt golfed with Schuppert & Joe. According to Neil, he golfed really well. Lisa and I went to the Farmer's Market in downtown Naperville and got some potatoes, zucchini, and sweet corn. I made Lisa pick out the corn since Neil says I don't know how to pick corn. She gave me some pointers, so hopefully I will do better next time! Later that day, we took the boys for a stroller ride along the riverwalk in downtown Naperville - it was a nice day out and great to be outside. Here are some pictures...

Neil and Lisa at the Carillion Bell Tower.

Luke looks so serious while Alex is hamming it up.

Alex had socks on, so he decided if he can't lick his own feet, he might as well lick Luke's feet!



Playdates and first visits!

Luke had a busy week! On 8/14, my old coworkers from Bulley - Julia & Meredith came to visit. They brought us some yummy noodles from Penny's Noodle shop in the city. On 8/17, the Rafferty/McCorkle clan came to visit from Portage, IN. We went to lunch at Rosebud in downtown Naperville and then took all the kids on a stroller ride down the riverwalk. Although it was extremely humid - it was a nice time! The following day, we had a playdate with Neil's co-worker's Veena & Ashna and Sheryl with her twins Molly & Cassie. All of them were born within a couple of weeks of each other - but Luke is by far the biggest!
Luke with Julia and Meredith

Kendall ( almost a year old), Haley (8 months), Bryce (15 weeks), Luke (10 weeks)
Luke (6/5), Cassie & Molly (5/29), Ashna (5/19) with Celia


1st trip to Chinatown

We celebrated Auntie Juanita's 33 rd birthday with a trip to chinatown. It was Luke's first dim sum (chinese brunch) at our favorite restaurant, Phoenix. He was very alert and good at the restaurant - just taking in all the commotion. Afterwards we took some pictures near the Bull Status. Luke was born in the Year of the Bull.


Random pics

Luke in the baby bjorn facing out for the first time.

Luke & Mommy after the Pepper Picnic...


Luke is 2 months old!

Luke turned 2 months on August 5th - time flies by! We went to the pediatrician for his check up and he is a growing boy - 13 lbs 8 oz (88%), 24 1/2" (94%), 15 1/2" head circumference (37%). He cried a little when getting his shots, but the rest of the afternoon he was sleepy.

Earlier in the week, Luke has really started to wiggle. One morning I even found him turned 180 degrees in the crib. I almost had a heart attack when I just saw his feet in the baby monitor! Another milestone, on Saturday 8/8 Luke rolled over from his stomach to his back. Unfortunately Neil or I did not get to witness it. I was at the eye doctor and Neil was cleaning Luke's big poop mess in the swing. Maybe doing #2 made him lighter and it easier to roll - who knows!

Pretty soon this chair won't look so big!


Luke goes to Bryce's Baptism

Luke made his 2nd official trip to Indiana to see his friend, Bryce get baptized. Bryce did a great job and so did Mommy & Daddy. After church, everyone headed to the Rafferty's backyard for a great afternoon of sunshine & food. See how big Bryce is getting?? They look like best buds already!

Luke & Bryce chillin' in the bouncies

Bryce in his cute outfit...
Luke - up close and personal...

Luke with Auntie Lana in outfit #2